Music for a cause : The Second Fovea’s latest song ‘The Echoing Habitat’ on plastic pollution

Music for a cause : The Second Fovea’s latest song ‘The Echoing Habitat’ on plastic pollution

A band dedicated to creating awareness about the environment, The Second Fovea is a studio project with members from all over the world. It has Naval Katoch from Pennsylvania on the guitars and bass, Soumyadeep Ghoshal on Synth and FX, and Priyam Srivastava. While Naval and Priyam made music together, Soumyadeep and the latter knew each other since childhood. Together they created The Second Fovea to dive into topics relating to the climate crisis and other issues.

With members from San Francisco, Pittsburgh, and Mumbai, the band arriving at its unique name is an interesting story. While on a hunt for the perfect vision for the band, Priyam took the search quite literally and researched the human eye. ‘Second Fovea’ is a part of the eagle’s eye that helps the majestic bird focus on objects. This is the part that makes an eagle’s eye better than a human’s. Therefore, the band aspires to have a vision like an eagle’s and get their message across the world.

‘The Echoing Habitat,’ their latest song is an attempt to shed light on the alarming issue of plastic pollution in the oceans. Released on the 1st of December, the song talks about how due to this issue, animals and birds like seabirds and whales die. The groove metal has Sunneith Revankar on the vocals, a new addition to The Second Fovea. The band had been a fan of the former “since his Bhayanak Maut days.” The singer is on board for just one more song of the band.

The groove metal song was inspired by Srivastava’s trip to the Maldives, Mexico, Hawaii, Alaska, and Goa, where plastic pollution is on the rise. Being in different parts of the world, it was a challenge to bounce ideas and create something new for the band, but they did it anyway and are very happy to have come up with the song. The lyric video was created by Dheeraj Govindraju while the recording for guitar and bass was done by Benji Bordelon. The live drum recording, mixing, and mastering were done by Nick Loicano.

The goal of this thoughtful band is to create powerful music to spread awareness about prevalent issues and bring positive changes to the world.


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