Pavan brings a new meaning to Pillow talk with his Latest track Pillow Talking

Pavan brings a new meaning to Pillow talk with his Latest track Pillow Talking

What do you do when the voices in your head are stronger than ever? Well, you write about it. That’s exactly what Pavan Pillai did. Hailing from Varkala, Trivandrum the rapper/songwriter says he was “an academically prodigious child who peaked too early’’. Being an avid music lover he does not differentiate with genres. He has a great love for music and listens to everything from Hip-hop to Indie Rock to metal traversing to psychedelic music. Hip-Hop was something that always had his attention. Having a knack for rapping, Pavan believed that’s something he could build on despite exhibiting no signs of music talent up till then. Starting his music career amidst the pandemic last year rapping gave him the power and an outlet to channel his energy and emotions which he had been bottling up and create music for the world to listen to.

Pavans latest track ‘Pillow talking‘ dropped on 16 July 2021 on all major streaming platforms. Unlike the conventionally known pillow talk, he used the term to explain the conversations one has with the voices in their head when all alone by themself. The track is an amalgamation of different voices in his head that he attempted to recreate and bring to life. ‘I have rapped in different voices and styles to convey the distinction between the voices while fitting the commentary that they convey. These voices are conflicting, dark, judgemental, self-destructive, and offer damning outlooks on myself and life,” says the rapper. Taking Influence from UK rap collectives; Cults of the Damned, the song compromises crisp bars and an immaculate flow which perfectly encapsulates Pavan’s emotions.

When asked about a funny story about the song he says ”The trial and error process to figure out the voice for each verse was interesting and resulted in some funny accents that were scrapped. Some friends who heard it while I was making it were kinda concerned for my well-being, lol. So this track really blurred the lines between art and life for me. “


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