Pratik Tushar brings us his lastest blues/rock creation ‘Novice’

Pratik Tushar brings us his lastest blues/rock creation ‘Novice’

Pratik Tushar is a 21-year- old singer-songwriter based in Bangalore. His journey with music began when he got his first guitar at the age of 12, and that immediately encouraged him to discover music that had accentuated guitars in it. That’s when he got introduced to blues and rock ‘n roll. Joining the dots, he realized that if he would learn how to play blues, he could play rock n roll. He also learnt the tabla for 5 years to get an idea of percussion and tempo, while continuing to play guitar on the side. His school friends who used to play guitar, were always the motivation to polish his skills. There soon came a point where he was satiated with playing covers and decided to write originals, which led him to start exploring and approaching the guitar differently. Pratik played lead guitar for small-scale rock/metal cover bands based in and around Delhi for about 3 years, before he moved to Bangalore in 2018. He begun recording and producing from his home studio.

Pratik’s latest blues rock track “Novice” released on the April 25, 2021. He always had the idea of the song recorded in his phone and had abandoned the song a couple of times until the day he called up Sid and from there, it took probably a week to record and another week to mix the track. The song was recorded virtually, while the instruments were recorded in Bangalore by Pratik, and the vocals were recorded in Delhi by Sid. All the mixing and mastering was done in Pratik’s home studio in Bangalore. The artwork is done by Devayani Mohan and they worked together on the cover art with an idea of reflecting the overall imagery of the song in one single image.

Most of his inspirations in music come from artists like Jimi Hendrix, BB King,

Rage Against the Machine, Sex Pistols, Carlos Santana, etc. and from early Indie bands like Indus Creed, Pentagram, Light Years Explode, Peter Cat Recording, etc.

Pratik works as a one-man team, composing, writing, recording, mixing, and mastering on his own, with all his songs produced in his home studio. Pratik is currently a 3rd-year architecture student at RV College of Architecture in Bangalore. He also works as a freelance graphic designer.


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