‘Together’ by Shon GBRL will help you remember that we are in this together

‘Together’ by Shon GBRL will help you remember that we are in this together

Sharon Gonsalves also known as Shon GBRL from Pune has launched his new single called “Together”. He named the song “Together” because during the time of the covid-19 pandemic all of us are experiencing a lot of uncertainty and stress and being together is what will help us get through this.

Sharon was inspired to write this song due to the pandemic which made him believe that he needs to convey this message and help spread the positivity needed to over come this situation. He was on a sabbatical you can say as he was working on his sound, music.
writing and production. As he explored more and more he found orchestral music really really interesting, and thought that he could use that in this song and create something unique. He had all the elements in place and wanted to make a good song. As he worked on this song day after day he made a few different renderations and scrapped out a lot of ideas. He had this beautiful vision in his head and nothing matched it to be precise .

Shon GBRL came up with the final version at 4 am and he opened up his DAW and started working until he was really satisfied with his arrangement. His approach towards this song was trying spread a simple message of togetherness and being there for each other as a community


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