A rock-based album on war and its themes and emotions: Maluscomas’ latest ‘Other Side of Peace’

A rock-based album on war and its themes and emotions: Maluscomas’ latest ‘Other Side of Peace’

Maluscomas is the Magnum opus of 30-year-old Amit Vyas who is currently based out of Pune. A self-taught guitarist and songwriter, Amit began his journey as a musician at the age of 16 and has since grown into the talented artist he is now. He grew up in Jodhpur surrounded by the versatility and exposure to folk music and even worked with a couple of local artists. Once he moved to Pune, he established his music project and has been fine-tuning his skills and experimenting with music as a form of storytelling that he considers an essential medium to relate to the world around him.

His latest album ‘Other Side of Peace’ will be released on the 30th of November this year. Using war as its theme and falling under the rock and progressive rock genres, the songs on the album trace the concoction of emotions that are part and parcel of the experience in a war. The flow of the album plays into Pink Floyd’s style and artistry and who is coincidentally one of Amit’s biggest musical inspirations. It took eight months to complete the album production and most of the instrumentals were recorded at the artist’s home studio. Multiple people have contributed to the success of the album including Greg Edmond who is one of the artist’s friends based in Japan. Parts of the production were carried out in El Guapo music studio in Argentina and have been a great learning experience for the artist. The beautiful artwork was made by Amit himself.

The artist defines his story as fascinating and his work amply supports this. Greatly influenced by stars such as Pink Floyd, David Gilmour, Roger Waters, Radiohead, Nick Drake, The Beatles, Tajdaae Junaid, Eric Clapton, and others, Amit claims that music can never have wrong notes, only poor choices. Having already worked with multiple artists both locally and internationally, the artist remains open to the never-ending possibilities and opportunities coming his way and we wish him the very best of luck on his future projects.


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