An embodiment of a life filled with celebration and positivity: meet Bangalore’s SIDBIT

An embodiment of a life filled with celebration and positivity: meet Bangalore’s SIDBIT

Siddharth Bhati, more popularly known as SIDBIT is an accomplished 30-year-old musician based in Bangalore. He began his journey in the world of music in 2020, essentially kickstarted by the pandemic that taught him the precious value of life and led him to lean on music to express gratitude every day and embrace each day with a sense of purpose.

Backed by Deep House, Melodic House, and Melodic Techno tracks, the artist seeks to spread the warm, electric, and heartfelt energy that he associates with music, to his audience and offer them the opportunity to celebrate life with him. A Brand Manager during the day and a music artist by night, Siddharth is looking to cultivate his passion as a DJ and prioritizing growing on his journey as a musician to fulfill his dream of becoming one of India’s top DJs.

Influenced by artists such as Colyn, Yotto, and Adriatique, SIDBIT utilizes his creative flow when he’s at home for the night after a long day of work, which coincidentally is his most potent timeframe to indulge in the craft. ” Don’t take yourself too yourself too seriously, you’re just a monkey with a plan”, is a quote that the artist lives by and rightly so, for his music lends itself the quality of an enjoyable, fruitful, and optimistic life that is easier achieved with a sense of humor and wonder.

Positivity, Music, Kindness, Gratitude, and Peace- amply sum up the artist’s refreshing and humble outlook on life and he eagerly looks forward to collaborating with any artist who embodies the craft and whom he can learn from. We are sure of his inevitable success and wish him the best of luck with his projects and dreams.


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