I’ll be there for you! Says Samanvay with his Latest Single ‘Tu Hi’

I’ll be there for you! Says Samanvay with his Latest Single ‘Tu Hi’

“The whole point of art is expression.” is what Samanvay from New Delhi deeply believes in. And he’s been expressing himself since the young age of 6 years. Simplicity is key when it comes to his composing his music. He loves writing simple melodies that resonate with people. His lyrics are also written with the intention of being easily relatable and enjoyable. Open to interpretation, he makes music with no intention of having a specific theme, leaves it open to the listener to understand the song for what they feel it to be. He runs a home studio where he records music and also takes on freelance projects. The talented artist has had many opportunities to showcase his work on various reputed venues like The Piano Man Jazz Club, The Habitat, and The Hungry Money to name a few.

During tough times, he released the song ‘Tu Hi’ which tenderly touches on topics like abandonment issues and insecurities. He tells us ” I want it to be a blanket around my listeners, where they feel safe and let their emotions loose. The moments when you want someone to be around and hear you out and be there for you, but they can’t be and you say you understand, but you really don’t.” His motive behind the track was to make his listeners know that he is there for them, through his music, when times are difficult.

Samanvay wrote this song in 2019 but was unsure if it was ready for release. He recorded the track in April 2021 and decided to release it as the second track in his EP with his last single ‘Tune Mere Dil Ko Chuna’. Although the song was already written, he took three nights to record it as he wanted to make a few tweaks in the song. The track was ready after four more nights that went into mixing and mastering. Although he’s not had a chance to play this song live, the rise of Clubhouse helped him play the song in virtual concerts for many people in their rooms. He’s befriended a couple of people and some of them even hired him to play at their wedding. He adds that there is a comical version of the song, that he’s written for laughs but doesn’t plan on releasing that version of the song.


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