Mark Mellow | Artist Spotlight

Mark Mellow | Artist Spotlight

Jonathan Mark Pinto is a producer from Pune who is also known as Mark Mellow when he takes the stage, he started playing with music when he was just 3 years of age. It all started when he was gifted a toy keyboard at that age and learnt that he could play more than the guided notes in it to make something to his liking, thus beginning his journey in making music which was refined later when we got older picked up many instruments on the way and learnt music production.

Mark Mellow is an alter ego. When he was young he dealt with his mental issues by personifying the voices in his head. He takes to music to explain the chaos that runs within his mind. Mark Mellow is a genre-less, collaborative journey into exploring different styles of music and artists, and collectively growing through the share of combined knowledge and talent.

Mark Mellow released his second single “Psyonara” on Aug 29, 2020. The word “Psyonara” refers to ‘A goodbye to an old state of mind” and in this track he depicts how it is difficult to escape harsh reality and how it is difficult to let some things go and move on. He wrote Psyonara in a very low point of his life where he was battling addiction, obsession and depression, which makes this an exceptionally personal track to him.

Mark Mellow has been performing from a young age playing a wide range of music, from western choirs to Hindustani music and has been performing in Pune for the last 3 years from doing gigs around to even a Ted X event.


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