OUTL4ST | Artist Spotlight

OUTL4ST | Artist Spotlight

OUTL4ST aka Shreyas is a producer/musician from Pune, India. He has been making

music from his bedroom since he was 16 years old. He has always been heavily inspired by pop musicians like Frank Ocean, eden, Jeremy Zucker to more underground artist like A. G. Cook, Jai Paul and Oneohtrix point never. He likes to play with sounds a lot and make experimental-electronic music out of it. He loves to keep his music a little bit raw by distinct use of drums, percussion, soaring melodies and he is not afraid to try out new things.

“Do You Ever Wish You Could Forget The Good Times?” is his latest release and it gets as experimental as it gets with the theme based on death and the lyrics are depicted by a narrative. The instrumental of the song was mostly synthesized by him and his utilization of complex percussion patterns and the melodic synth sections is what adds to his death driven electronica. The song is inspired by A. G. Cook and a quote of one of his favorite writer Charles Bukowski fits perfectly in the song.

Outl4st started the song early 2020 but got his by writers block, it took him around 4 moths to figure out what he wanted from the track and completed the track during the pandemic lockdown. Jai Paul, Mura Masa, A. G. Cook are a few styles have to tried to inculcate in his music making his influences all come from an experimental background.

It is the pure joy of creating new sounds and using them to create harmonies that make us feel that keeps Outl4st going and he looks forward to be coming up with alot more music planned in 2021.


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