Rakuuth a unique musical project by Anurag releases ‘Akale’, a rhythmic foreplay of sounds

Rakuuth a unique musical project by Anurag releases ‘Akale’, a rhythmic foreplay of sounds

Rakuuth is a musical project by Bangalore-based DJ/Producer Anurag. His story began at the tender age of 4 all thanks to his father, who used to play a lot of rock and metal records at home. It was around 2014 was when he started listening to a lot of underground dance music. And that’s when he had this drive to focus on the creative side of music.

Rakuuth has been exposed to various cultures which inspire him in his music. He does have a “boring” 9-5 job during the day, but at night, the music takes over and he begins to produce. He is heavily inspired by traditional South Indian folk and electronic music which he has been pioneering for the past six years. Rakuuth stays true to his roots even when making electronic music and often uses Indian instruments in his compositions.

Akale’ is the debut single released on 9th June by Bangalore-based producer Rakuuth featuring indie artist Anza Prem. This track is one from his upcoming single called ‘Sadhya’. When we asked Rakuuth about the track, he told us “Akale is a fusion of all my past inspirations from making electronic music combined with traditional drums from Tamil Nadu. I had this vision to merge different genres that are rooted in my culture & upbringing like Kuthu Drums and flutes with UK garage combining some neuro bass elements. Weird, but sounded cool when I started working on it”.

He likes to call this track South-Indian Garage. He produced the instrumentals for the track around 4months ago, and he got to complete the track once Anza came on board. The overall process took around 5 months to complete. The cover art for the project was made by his friend ZoidZero from Kolkata.

Although he has been producing music for a while now, he doesn’t like to call himself a musician as he does not play any instruments. But this has never stopped him from being an innovative artist whose manipulation of sound brings about such beautiful rhythms.


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