Satwik Tripathy | Artist Spotlight

Satwik Tripathy | Artist Spotlight

Born and raised in New Delhi, Session Guitarist and producer, Satwik Tripathy started his musical journey when he was only 9 years old playing the tabla. At age 15, he started to get more inclined particularly towards the electric guitar. In late 2014, He co-founded a funk rock outfit named “Zhankaar”. Zhankaar Released 2 Singles and a 3 Track EP. The band broke up in 2017. The following Year Satwik started  a course in Audio Engineering And Music Production From Sri Aurobindo Centre For Arts And Communication( SACAC) in New Delhi. After graduating from SACAC, He started Working as a Session Guitarist at notable music studios such as Lotustree Studios, Kintsugi Studios, Plug n’ Play Studios and more.

Last Year, He collaborated with Delhi Based Singer songwriter Suraj Rajan and released a 3 Track EP named “Dispose” and toured in support of that across New Delhi, NCR , Himachal Pradesh and more. As of 2020, Satwik has worked and co-produced on a web series which is yet to be released. Finally Started in mid 2019, New Delhi based session Guitarist Satwik Tripathy’s Music is a project that was in the works for a very Long time.It mostly touches unto the world of blues, soul, pop, and more. The project aims to create a cohesive blend of innovative guitar melodies and intimacy within the arrangement. 

“The Sky Above Us”- It’s a tune Satwik composed last fall. At first, It was difficult for him to find a sonic space and parity for the tune, yet in the end he found an ideal choice for everything and the tune turned out as he needed. This tune is comprised of shifted scope of feelings all through and he gets a kick out of the chance to think about the melody as an alternate understanding for every individual who hears it, as in cases most instrumental music pieces seem to be, But for this situation, his assessment evoked with the relationship with the skies since he will in general thinks, are portrayal of our emotions.  He feels we dream and ponder a ton of things through the various skies above, which brings out a particular sort of feeling. It demonstrates our perspective, So he believes that is about it really! An excursion of feelings.

He needed the track to be intimate, not to be all garish with the arrangements, however serves the song and gives it equity. It is altogether arranged, composed and produced by him which was a great deal of work setting out all the instruments and choosing the space for each component as indicated. This song is mixed by a good friend of Satwik and Mix engineer, Himanshu Mamgain at Merak Studios, New Delhi who has worked with artists like Shujaat Khan, Mohini Dey to give some examples. The Mastering Duties were taken care of by M. Krishna Rao From Lotustree Studios who has worked with specialists, for example, Prateek Kuhaad, Peter Cat Recording Co.

Artwork By – Hemant Chakma.(The sky above us)


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