Savaal Reviews: Nee Aruge – Ashwin Vinayagamoorthy

Savaal Reviews: Nee Aruge – Ashwin Vinayagamoorthy

If you’re a person who understands Tamil, and listens to music in this language, there’s a good chance you’ve heard of Ashwin Vinayagamoorthy. If you haven’t, trust me, he deserves your attention! He’s the kind of unknown artist who I’m rooting for. Well, I’m a critical person by nature, so when he asked us to review a song by him, I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to analyze and criticize the song. Well, I was surprised! Read below to find out what I thought of it.

Ashwin’s new track Nee Argue is a chill, airy soundscape which perfectly balances acoustic sounds with rather electronic beats. The song starts of very gradually, on a very larger-than-life note. Right from the beginning, the gentle guitar riffs will have you tapping your feet. As the track progresses, Kausthub Ravis’s voice takes center stage, flanked by powerful yet calming beats. In fact, the bass drum kicking in the back sounds so much like a heartbeat that you would resonate with it very easily.

The snares and hi-hats on the track also blend well and while there’s so much going on, you never feel overwhelmed by the music. In fact, it only enhances the vocals. Talking about vocals, Kamalaja’s voice lends a soft, feminine touch to the song and fills the only gap left in the entire soundscape. As a whole, I must say, the song is perfect for long drives, chasing the sunset and as a matter of fact, goes beautifully with the tropical vibe the album art sets. There’s something so beachy about the whole auditory experience. As a package, I can’t really find a fault with Nee Aruge, unless I nitpick.


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