Screetus | Artist Spotlight

Screetus | Artist Spotlight

A three piece band from Bangalore, “Screetus” is a band that formed when Vijay and Abhishek met at work when they were asked to perform the bit of Mozart’s 25th symphony that a well-known Indian company uses as a jingle, and they decided to make a little progressive rock track out of it. They met Vamsi sometime later, when he was introduced to them through a mutual friend, who also happens to be a drummer. And before you know it they got together to jam, and instantly hit it off because of their varied interests in music and in particular, Vamsi’s keen insights on all things production.

They released their EP “Auburn Garden” on 30th October 2020 and the album is inspired by the stories of Frankenstein and Prometheus. Loosely based on those two, it delves into perspectives of abuse through lenses like physical, psychological and sexual abuse, drugs, and religion and the effects they have on the victim, a bystander, and the entity carrying out the abuse itself. The first track, Deep Caves and Dreary Main wasn’t originally a part of the album. It was composed solely because Spotify dictates an EP to have at least 4 tracks, and so Abhishek decided to write a prologue. It turned out to be one of their favourite tracks on the record and ours too! Saturn Eyes was recorded in October 2019. Initially, it was just going to be a single, but then Abhishek remixed and remastered the track for the EP, and the band then completed recording the other tracks during the months of May-June 2020.

What brings the band together is their love for rock music in general, but there are various differences too within their individual tastes which they use to keep challenging each other and their ideas of music. When we asked them what Genre would they like to call the album they said “It would probably be progressive rock, but some of the songs may not necessarily fit into that genre. For me, progressive music is about telling stories. Obviously, it has roots in rock music but it takes cues from electronic music in Saturn Eyes, and from the arrangement ideas we get from classical music in Scarlet, Cloudy, and Closed.”


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